Friday, May 4, 2012


'uffda' is how I could describe my past month. I (Kristin) have been taking a class online called 'Trinitarianism' to continue my theological and biblical training. There are 8 core classes that Cru requires staff to take within your first 10 years on staff. As I wrap up this class next week, I'll have finished 5 of them! Taking a master's level class, being a mom, and spending around 10 hours per week on campus plus another 10-12 with the team and prepping stuff for campus has kept me a little busier than I'd aspired to be!

I've appreciated the knowledge I've gained through the class and ways I feel I know the Lord more deeply now than when I started. I love seeing the interactions of the persons of the Trinity and how great it is that that is modeled for us, that we might have such selfless interactions with others...its deep stuff and fascinating to dig into.

Things have also ended well on campus - I hope to post more details on that as there are some fun stories involved! Today, however, we're heading to Alexandria, MN for our annual 'MayDaze' conference. This is our regional staff conference for the Upper Midwest region. We'll spend the next 3 days hearing updates on ministry from around the region, catching up with friends who serve in different locations, and taking a chance to breathe a bit now that we're done on campus until fall. A week from today, our little Jetta will be packed to capacity and we'll start the drive to North Myrtle Beach summer project, our summer assignment.  More on that to come!

Until then, enjoy the beautiful spring weather!