Matt and I have been reading Randy Alcorn's book,
Heaven, together recently. The Lord has really used it to encourage both of us to look more deeply at the Scriptures and to be encouraged about all that can be found about our eternal home. I love that the author refuses to write things about heaven that can't be found in Scripture and that he gives a very thorough treatment to the many facets of what lies ahead of us.
A few days ago in our reading, Alcorn included a quote from Martin Luther that seemed especially significant given the spring season:
"Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime"
Flowers at 7 Mile Creek park during a recent hike |
I LOVE that. Yesterday, I went out for a run before church and was struck anew by the significance of that quote. My favorite trail near our house (Red Jacket for those of you familiar with Mankato), seemed to have come alive. We were out of town for about a week and while there was plenty of new growth a week ago, it almost felt like the scenery had exploded into spring. What grace that God gives us this wonderful hint of heaven every year. As winter slowly fades away - usually lingering a little longer that most of us would like - spring slowly takes its place, gaining momentum as each week passes, until the world seems to have transformed. Color, warm air, and new life takes the place of the black/brown/white winter palate and gives us new hope.
May you have ample opportunity to enjoy the magnificence of spring and may you hope ever more deeply for the eternal home Christ is preparing for us. A place more marvelous than the most beautiful spring our eyes have witnessed.
I'm just starting this book :) it's on my "to read" while i'm on the plane list.