Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Awesome story...

Just saw this story come up on our staff web page and wanted to share it. I always get excited to hear what God is doing at my alma mater, but this story is incredible! Check it out:

Amber is a freshman [at the University of Iowa] from Troy Mills, Iowa. During the first week of school I briefly introduced myself to her and invited her to Bible Study. A few days later, I stopped by her room to say hi and get to know her. When she opened the door, she immediately exclaimed, "You! You were in my dream last night! Or at least you were mentioned... I had a dream that Jesus came to me and said, 'Amber, Anne has something very important to tell you this year. Listen.'" One week later, Amber gave her life to Christ!!!

Since then, Amber and I have been meeting for coffee every Tuesday afternoon to look at what it means to be a follower of Christ and how to study the Bible. We've been going through the book of John together and she has been absolutely amazed week by week. "I had no idea this was what the Bible actually said! I've gone to church my whole life and grew up hearing Bible stories but never actually read the Bible for myself. This is like discovering hidden gems!!"

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