Monday, March 28, 2011

A little more from Big Break

We mentioned Big Break, Campus Crusade's spring break conference in Panama City Beach, FL in our prayer letter (see below) but I just happened across a few more details about this year's conference that I was encouraged by.  Big Break is unique in that its a national conference. Clearly all colleges in the country do not align their spring breaks, thus Big Break happens four times (four different weeks) throughout the end of February through March.

Here are some statistics I just found about two of the weeks.  Praise God with me for what He did during that time!

week of March 6-11 (this is when the Minnesota State students were in attendance)

  • 3260 spiritual conversations initiated
  • 1036 people heard the gospel
  • 115 people made decisions to trust Christ
  • 164 people heard learned about living a Spirit-filled life
week of March 13-18

  • 5900 spiritual conversations initiated
  • 2332 people heard the gospel
  • 209 people made decisions to trust Christ as their Savior

Praise God for how He worked at one of the top spring break destinations this year.  Pray that these new believers would be built up in their faith as they return home - that they would connect with ministries at their respective campuses and churches in the towns where they live.

March update

Just click on the image to read.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

40 days of worship & seeking the Lord together

Campus Crusade leadership is initiated a call to staff, students, and ministry partners to join together in 40 days of prayer and worshipping the Lord together.  Here are some thoughts from Steve Sellers, the U.S. National Director, on this 40 days:

I'd like to worship the Lord with you. I'd like us as a movement to worship Him together.

Over the last several months I've been impressed by several things. First, I hear and see all that God is doing throughout our ministries. We're experiencing increased fruit in evangelism as you step out in faith to share the gospel. We're seeing an increase in the number of people who want to join our staff and we're mobilizing partners in new and compelling ways. There's much to be thankful for.

I'm also impressed by the challenges that lie ahead and the reality that God must produce the results at every point in this missionary endeavor we share.

As I talk with the Lord about both our successes and our challenges, I'm compelled to worship Him. He is glorious and any words I use to describe Him are inadequate. We are both much-loved and needy -- and each of those makes us want to draw near to Him.

So, as we approach the Lenten season, I'd like to call us together to a time of focused worship and seeking the Lord's face beginning March 17. It's an incredible promise that God is simply waiting for His people to draw near to Him so we can experience Him drawing near to us. I look forward to doing it together.

We would love to have you join us as we pray and worship God in the coming 40 days (March 17-April 25).  Matt and I have both decided to set aside an hour each day just for prayer and worship.  We're excited to see how the Lord will grow us in this time.

The timing is especially significant to us as we'd decided to trust the Lord to complete our team of ministry partners by April 25.  This is a God-sized goal. One we can't imagine completing on our own effort.  Whatever the coming 40 days might hold for you, we'd be grateful if you'd remember us specifically in prayer during this time.  

Please let us know how we can lift your needs up to the Lord as well. What a privilege to bring our needs before the living God together!

Here's a link to CCC's guide for the 40 days.  You can also follow the devotional on facebook

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

a little blessing

As I (Kristin) in our office working today, I can see the snow coming down outside (thankfully only 2-3 inches!) but as I watch the sky, I can't help but notice the buds on the tree branches, just waiting to burst out their little leaves as soon as the weather warms.  What a great promise of new life on the tale end of a long winter!

Just wanted to share...when you're feeling spring fever, look up. :)