Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1 week!

I (Kristin) can't believe our due date is a week from today!  In some ways it feels like the past 39 weeks have flown other ways it feels like we've been expecting for a long time.  Its been neat to see the ways the Lord has used these 10 months to prepare us (as much as we can really be prepared!) to welcome our daughter into the world. We've learned more about prayer as we've lifted her, her health, her future, and her growth up to Him daily. We've learned more about working together and setting aside some of our own needs for hers. Our office became a nursery. Some of our stuff was boxed up and moved downstairs so there'd be room for baby clothes in the closet. We went to classes and lots of doctor appointments.  Yet its all been a joy.  I know there are more changes to come, more ways that we'll have to learn to be selfless and how to communicate well with each other, but I'm grateful for this process.  We've gotten a taste of God's love for us as our Father in a new way...a new understanding of a parent's willingness to do anything for their child...and of the depth of love a parent feels....and we haven't even seen our baby yet!  We're excited for what lies ahead of us in the next week or two as we welcome our daughter into our lives and for the continued insights the Lord will give us as we care for her.

Please pray with us for a safe labor and delivery process.  We'll be sure to post pictures as soon as we can!  And if you have any newborn parenting tips...or thoughts on labor & delivery to pass along, we'd love to learn from those who've gone before!

Oh, and here are a few pictures of the baby room....we're kind of excited for her to be in it!

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